You can create a new account with a random seed with keypair (ed25519):
Copy import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto' ;
const lto = new LTO ( 'T' );
const account = lto .account ();
console .log ( account .seed); // lion devote brush lemon salmon eyebrow near autumn aspect april ugly position dismiss suit finger
console .log ( account .publicKey); // AvWa7XokpR284pNCnoKZhudQdNA5AV3PXPi6HhggAhbT
console .log ( account .privateKey); // 4dXzhzRcpiukcRBUGfre8s8aRaUqwyKHUzfbQTtNRRMFxZXQ6BsbfKPbA2QVBELNjoxxy6NQkii6HVg1zPzti4mB
It's also possible to recover a keypair from an existing seed:
Copy import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto' ;
const lto = new LTO ( 'T' );
const seed = 'satisfy sustain shiver skill betray mother appear pupil coconut weasel firm top puzzle monkey seek' ;
const account = lto .account ({ seed });
You can create multiple accounts from a single seed phrase, by passing a nonce.
Copy import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto' ;
const lto = new LTO ( 'T' );
const seed = 'satisfy sustain shiver skill betray mother appear pupil coconut weasel firm top puzzle monkey seek' ;
const account1 = lto .account ({ seed , nonce : 0 });
const account2 = lto .account ({ seed , nonce : 1 });
const account3 = lto .account ({ seed , nonce : 2 });
Alternatively, pass a binary value as a nonce. Use the Binary
class to convert a string to a binary value
Copy const account4 = lto .account ({ seed , nonce : new Binary ( 'some value' ) });
Child accounts
Instead of specifying the seed
, you can specify a parent account and a nonce to create a child account. Transactions signed by the child account will be co-signed by the parent so that the parent account will pay the transaction fee.
Copy const child = lto .account ({parent : account , nonce : new Binary ( 'foo' )});
Multi-chain accounts
LTO Networks supports 3 ciphers: ed25519, secp256k1, and secp256r1. To create an Ethereum-compatible key pair, use the secp256k1 key type and the Ethereum derivation path
Copy import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto' ;
const lto = new LTO ( 'T' );
const account = lto .account ({ keyType : 'secp256k1' , derivationPath : `m/44'/60'/0'/0` });
console .log ( account .seed);
console .log ( account .address); // LTO address
console .log ( account .getAddressOnNetwork ( 'ethereum' )); // Ethereum address
For secp256k1, the seed phrase is generated according to bip32 with a length of 12 words. When creating the account from seed, also pass the derivation path.
Seed encryption
It's recommended to encrypt your seed when storing the account
Copy import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto' ;
const lto = new LTO ( 'T' );
const seed = 'satisfy sustain shiver skill betray mother appear pupil coconut weasel firm top puzzle monkey seek' ;
const account = lto .account ({ seed });
const password = 'verysecretpassword' ;
const encrypted = account .encrypt (password);
console .log (encrypted); //U2FsdGVkX18tLqNbaYdDu5V27VYD4iSylvKnBjMmvQoFFJO1KbsoKKW1eK/y6kqahvv4eak8Uf8tO1w2I9hbcWFUJDysZh1UyaZt6TmXwYfUZq163e9qRhPn4xC8VkxFCymdzYNBAZgyw8ziRhSujujiDZFT3PTmhhkBwIT7FMs=
Supply the password to create the account from an encrypted seed
Copy import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto' ;
const encryptedSeed = 'U2FsdGVkX18tLqNbaYdDu5V27VYD4iSylvKnBjMmvQoFFJO1KbsoKKW1eK/y6kqahvv4eak8Uf8tO1w2I9hbcWFUJDysZh1UyaZt6TmXwYfUZq163e9qRhPn4xC8VkxFCymdzYNBAZgyw8ziRhSujujiDZFT3PTmhhkBwIT7FMs=' ;
const password = 'verysecretpassword' ;
const lto = new LTO ( 'T' );
const account = lto .account ({ seed : encryptedSeed , password });
console .log ( account .seed); // satisfy sustain shiver skill betray mother appear pupil coconut weasel firm top puzzle monkey seek
Last updated 9 months ago