Set Script

Transaction to create a smart account

Smart accounts have a custom script that defines how transactions should be validated. The script needs to be compiled by the node before it's broadcasted as a transaction.

Scripts are written in the Ride programming language.

	"type": 13,
	"version": 3,
	"id": "BGUEn2TERW4nnAQuXYgJ3z6qp28ivk3kykb724wV7MZz",
	"sender": "3MtHYnCkd3oFZr21yb2vEdngcSGXvuNNCq2",
	"senderKeyType": "ed25519",
	"senderPublicKey": "4EcSxUkMxqxBEBUBL2oKz3ARVsbyRJTivWpNrYQGdguz",
	"timestamp": 1519862400,
	"fee": 500000000,
	"proofs": [
	"height": 1248629


Restrict account

match tx {
  case t:  TransferTransaction => false
  case mt: MassTransferTransaction => false
  case ss: SetScriptTransaction => false
  case _ => sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)

The "Restrict Account" script disables transfers from the account, it also disables modifying the script. This means that any funds on the account can only be used for staking/leasing and paying transaction fees.

Binary schema

The binary data structure of the unsigned transaction.

  • Script is the (binary) compiled script (without "base64:" prefix).

  • Network id can be obtained by taking the 2nd byte from the sender address.

  • Each key type has a numeric id in addition to the reference from the JSON.

  • Integers (short, int, long) have a big endian byte order.

Last updated