
Create a DID Document for an account

Any account on LTO network, for which the public key is known, can be resolved as DID (decentralized identifier). To explicitly create a DID use the identity builder.

import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();

new IdentityBuilder(account) => lto.node.broadcast(tx));

The main account is known as the management key.

Use Promise.all() if you wait to await for the transactions to be broadcasted.

Verification methods

By default, the account's public key is the only verification method of the DID. Other verification methods can be added through associations with other accounts.

import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();
const key1 = lto.account({ publicKey: "8cMyCW5Esx98zBqQCy9N36UaGZuNcuJhVe17DuG42dHS" });
const key2 = lto.account({ publicKey: "9ubzzV9tRYTcQee68v1mUPJW7PHdB74LZEgG1MgZUExf" });

const expires = new Date();
expires.setFullYear(expires.getFullYear() + 1);

new IdentityBuilder(account)
  .addVerificationMethod(key2, ['authentication', 'assertionMethod'], expires) => lto.node.broadcast(tx));

If no verification relationships are specified, it is only listed as a verification method, which is typically not what you want. Optionally, you can have the verification method automatically expire.

Revoking verification methods

import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();
const key = lto.account({publicKey: "8cMyCW5Esx98zBqQCy9N36UaGZuNcuJhVe17DuG42dHS"});

new IdentityBuilder(account)
  .removeVerificationMethod(key) => lto.node.broadcast(tx));

Verification methods can also be removed by address.


import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();

new IdentityBuilder(account)
  .addService({type: 'LTORelay', serviceEndpoint: 'ampq://'}) => lto.node.broadcast(tx));

Removing services

import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();

new IdentityBuilder(account)
  .removeService({type: 'LTORelay'}) => lto.node.broadcast(tx));

A service may also be removed by id.


If the management key is compromised, the DID should be deactivated.

import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();

new IdentityBuilder(account).deactivate().broadcastTo(lto.node);

Grant deactivation capability

Allow a trusted party to deactivate the DID in case the management key is lost.

import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();
const trustedAccount = lto.account({publicKey: "8cMyCW5Esx98zBqQCy9N36UaGZuNcuJhVe17DuG42dHS"});

const expires = new Date();
expires.setFullYear(expires.getFullYear() + 1);

const revokeDelay = 86400_000; // 24h in ms

new IdentityBuilder(account)
  .grantDisableCapability(trustedAccount, expires, revokeDelay) => lto.node.broadcast(tx));

The expires and revokeDelay arguments are optional.

Revoke deactivation capability

import LTO from '@ltonetwork/lto';
import { IdentityBuilder } from '@ltonetwork/lto/identities';

const lto = new LTO('T');
const account = lto.account();
const trustedAccount = lto.account({publicKey: "8cMyCW5Esx98zBqQCy9N36UaGZuNcuJhVe17DuG42dHS"});

new IdentityBuilder(account)
  .revokeDisableCapability(trustedAccount) => lto.node.broadcast(tx));

Last updated