lto association issue --recipient 3MyGpJh6Bb8auF3HtSr2dSJjqQVxgqLynpK --type 1 --hash e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
lto association revoke --recipient 3MyGpJh6Bb8auF3HtSr2dSJjqQVxgqLynpK --type 1 --hash e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
lto association in
lto association out
echo '{"foo": "bar"}' | lto data set
lto data get
lto data get --key=foo
Data is read as JSON from stdin.
lto transfer --recipient 3MyGpJh6Bb8auF3HtSr2dSJjqQVxgqLynpK --amount 1000000000
match tx {
case t: TransferTransaction => false
case mt: MassTransferTransaction => false
case ss: SetScriptTransaction => false
case b: BurnTransaction => false
case _ => sigVerify(tx.bodyBytes, tx.proofs[0], tx.senderPublicKey)
This script will disallow transfer and burn transactions for an account and disable changing the script again. Your tokens will be locked if you use it!
Use --network T or -T to use testnet instead of mainnet. You need to set up accounts specifically for testnet.
Select one of the accounts configured during setup. The account can be referenced by name or address. The name is only known locally. If this option is omitted, the default account is used.
Choose an account to sponsor the transaction. The sponsor will co-sign the transaction and pay the transaction fee.
Create and sign the transaction, but don't broadcast it to the node. The JSON will be outputted.
Create the transaction, but don't sign it. This option should only be used in combination with --no-broadcast.