Smart Contract

The architecture of Ownables follows that of a general CosmWasm contract. The only exception is that instead of deploying the contract on-chain and interacting with it that way, Ownable contracts are executed locally.

The wallet expects some methods from ownable-std to be used.


Message file defines the expected interface for messages that are passed to our smart contract. You are free to introduce your own custom variants and fields for each message, but there are some macros provided by the ownable-std crate.

Lets look at an example with all macros enabled:

use cosmwasm_std::{Addr};
use ownable_std::NFT;
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use ownable_std_macros::{
    ownables_transfer, ownables_lock,
    ownables_query_info, ownables_query_locked, ownables_query_metadata,
    ownables_query_consumer_of, ownables_query_widget_state,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct InstantiateMsg {}

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ExecuteMsg {}

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {}

Procedural macros like #[ownables_instantiate_msg] will introduce properties expected by the Ownable architecture. In the instantiation case, it would merge the InstantiateMsg defined by you with all its properties with the following:

struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub ownable_id: String,
    pub package: String,
    pub nft: Option<NFT>,
    pub ownable_type: Option<String>,
    pub network_id: u8,

For the ExecuteMsg case, having the #[ownables_transfer] and #[ownables_lock] will produce the following enum:

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    Transfer { to: Addr },
    Lock {},

And for QueryMsg, the following:

pub enum QueryMsg {
    GetInfo {},
    GetMetadata {},
    GetWidgetState {},
    IsLocked {},
    IsConsumerOf { issuer: Addr, consumable_type: String, },

If you are curious about the properties/variants being introduced, feel free to take a look at ownable-std.

A few things are important to note that apply to all cases. First, ownable-std macro annotations should be declared above any derive and serde macros (as in the examples above).

Second, you are free to introduce any variants/fields that are necessary for your ownable.

Consider the following ExecuteMsg:

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    ChangeColor { new_color: String, },

After compiling, the ExecuteMsg will look like the following:

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    ChangeColor { new_color: String, },
    Transfer { to: Addr },
    Lock {},

In the contract file, we define the logic that will update and query the state of our contract.

The instantiate() method should extract the necessary properties from its arguments and save them into the appropriate cw_storage_plus::Item defined in If everything goes well, we return the Ok() response with all the relevant properties that have been saved to the host wallet.

execute() will contain any functions that the Ownable may contain. At the very least, having a transfer method is expected, but even that is technically optional if you want your Ownable to be non-transferable. Any logic surrounding that should be implemented by you. With the appropriate Item.update() , the state will be updated to reflect the results of execution (if any).

Usually in your execute() you will need to exhaustively match all variants available in ExecuteMsg defined in our file. Given a transferable and lockable ownable, it may make sense to route the execution to respective methods:

match msg {
        ExecuteMsg::Transfer { to } => try_transfer(info, deps, to),
        ExecuteMsg::Lock {} => try_lock(info, deps),

try_transfer and try_lock are the methods where you will define your application logic related to transfering and locking the ownable.

With query() method we query the contract state. Item.load() will load the existing state variables, which you can then use to return the desired type (in the expected binary format). Considering our QueryMsg definition above, our query entry point may look like this:

pub fn query(deps: Deps, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {
    match msg {
        QueryMsg::GetInfo {} => query_ownable_info(deps),
        QueryMsg::GetMetadata {} => query_ownable_metadata(deps),
        QueryMsg::GetWidgetState {} => query_ownable_widget_state(deps),
        QueryMsg::IsLocked {} => query_lock_state(deps),
        QueryMsg::IsConsumerOf {
        } => query_is_consumer_of(deps, issuer, consumable_type),

Once again, logic in methods like query_ownable_info is entirely up to you. In general they will involve loading the appropriate state variables, building your return object, and converting it to StdResult<Binary>.

We use the state to define what properties our Ownables should have.

In most cases you will only be required to define your own Config struct containing any properties specific to your design.

Other than that, you should store the following properties to allow your Ownable to be bridged, have metadata (defined in the CW721 spec), and to have the unlockable content:

pub const OWNABLE_INFO: Item<OwnableInfo> = Item::new("ownable_info");
pub const METADATA: Item<Metadata> = Item::new("metadata");
pub const NFT_ITEM: Item<NFT> = Item::new("nft");
pub const LOCKED: Item<bool> = Item::new("locked");
pub const PACKAGE_CID: Item<String> = Item::new("package_cid");
pub const NETWORK_ID: Item<u8> = Item::new("network_id");

Properties like OwnableInfo, Metadata, and NFT should be imported from the ownable-std package. defines the entry point into our contract logic. It accepts and produces JSON (JsValue or JsError), which the wallet/dApp expects and interprets.

In turn, lib methods will call the respective methods that contain the actual execution logic.

The code here should not change, as the wallet expects the functions to have the parameters and return values as they are defined.

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